How Mainstream Media Help the GOP by Blaming “Congress” for McConnell’s Actions

Julie Hotard
4 min readMar 26, 2022


We’re never going to solve our national problems if we get deceived about who or what caused those problems. And mainstream news consumers are getting deceived. Instead of informing the public, mainstream media often deceive the public. Not as much as Right Wing media deceive the public. But we still get deceived.

Here is a thread reader printout of a Twitter thread, describing one of the latest examples of mainstream media blaming “Congress” or “government” for the actions of the Republican party.

This is extreme Right Wing bias. How so? A result of such biased “news” reporting is that Americans are discouraged from voting or participating in politics. Because how are we going to solve the problem if it’s due to BOTH parties in Congress? We’re not. We’re unlikely to get rid of Congress. So if we believe Congress itself is the problem, we may as well tune out, give up and not vote.

Another result of mainstream media blaming “government” or “Congress” for Republican party actions, is that some Americans will assume it must be better to vote for the “anti-government” or “small government” party. Who claims to be that? The GOP.

See? The effect of this blaming of government for GOP actions is to help the GOP win elections — due to liberals giving up and not voting, and due to some people concluding that the “anti-government” or “small government” party is the answer to problems caused by “government” or “Congress.”

For more information on mainstream media’s Right Wing bias, see my other articles here:

Why Mainstream Media Are So Right Wing Biased and How to Change That

and here:

Below is my article on why Democrats need to create — or have a nonprofit organization create for Dems — an effective outrage machine, in order to get fair media coverage.

This is the case because Republicans DO have an outrage machine that everyone bends to — including all government officials and mainstream media. Dems don’t have one. So they often can’t defend themselves or get fair media coverage.

If you agree with me, that Democrats need help from liberal organizations for messaging, for demanding fair coverage from mainstream media, and for other functions — the article below has a list of liberal donors and organizations you can join me in contacting.

I’m asking them for help to keep the nation from descending into fascism as a result of Republican party actions and the disinformation that gets Republicans elected.

So far, Democrats are doing very little to counteract the disinformation that causes Dems to lose so many elections. This disinformation is the reason almost half of Congress and most state government offices are still Republican controlled.

State government offices are in charge of elections, so GOP control of them allows the GOP to manipulate the election system and suppress votes. Liberal organizations can to lend support here, by counteracting the disinformation that keeps getting so many Republicans elected, based on lies.

For decades, a third or so of the nation has been immersed in Right Wing disinformation. Democrats have done nothing about it all this time. They are unlikely to suddenly take an interest. In any case, they are busy enough with trying to legislate.

The GOP doesn’t do much of their own messaging. Right Wing media develop GOP talking points and do most GOP messaging for them. Maybe political parties just aren’t good at messaging, or have too many other jobs, to have adequate time for it.

It’s important for all news consumers to be aware of the Right Wing bias in mainstream media — including media’s frequent blaming of “Congress” or “government” for the actions done by the Republican party alone. Please bring this up with your friends and associates, in your conversations, social media posts etc., on the subject of politics. The more awareness we have, the better.

Also, please try to be aware of your own language. Rather than blurring responsibility for harmful actions by assigning it to “Congress” or “government”, it is more constructive to be specific about who is causing the harm. Even “Democrats” is an incorrect attribution, in cases where Democrats In Name Only Manchin and Sinema are blocking the Democratic agenda.



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