More on New York Times’ Copaganda — Pro-Police System Propaganda — and Info from an Interview with Obama’s Communications Director

Julie Hotard
3 min readJun 9, 2022


Alex Karakatsanis, founder and executive director of Civil Right Corps, has really been on a roll. If you are on Twitter, you should follow him at @equalityAlec

Here is his substack article he just wrote on New York Times’ Right Wing pro-police bias.

Please join those of us who complain to mainstream media outlets when they show Right Wing bias.

Below is the information needed to contact New York Times about corrections and feedback. They owe it to the public to correct their bias.

Mainstream media often show Right Wing bias. We need to keep after them — to demand they correct their bias and report objectively to the public. That’s what their job is.

Now here is an interview about the overall scope of media bias — a threadreader app unroll of a Twitter thread on it, from Greg Sargent of Washington Post.

Despite working for mainstream media, Greg is one of the good journalists who reports objectively instead of pretending that both political sides are always equally credible.

Greg interviewed Dan Pfeiffer, who was White House Communications Director for Obama, and who currently hosts the podcast Pod Save America.

They discussed some themes I’ve written about for years. For example, there’s the Right Wing outrage machine that pressures mainstream media into Right Wing bias. How? By continually falsely accusing mainstream media of Left Wing bias. Democrats, of course, don’t have such an outrage machine. That’s why they haven’t gotten fair media coverage.

Also, there’s the problem of the Right Wing media bubble. Right Wing disinformation media spend all day lying, fear/hate/grievance mongering and demonizing Democrats.

As if that’s not bad enough, Right wing media also scare their consumers away from sources of true information. We can solve this problem. Here is how.

Time to Solve Our Propaganda Problems as the Military Does during War

Pfeiffer also discussed the need for liberal donors and organizations to step up to the plate and buy or create media that treat the Democratic party fairly. Because current corporate media do not. In my article below is a list of liberal donors and organizations we can contact to ask them to do this.

One more issue Pfeiffer discussed is how important it is for us to give media feedback and to demand they correct their Right Wing bias, whenever they show it. I’ve written about this here:

Media Often Cause Events to Happen (like GOP Wins) Rather than Simply Reporting

To wrap up, let’s all keep pushing. Let’s keep writing to liberal donors and organizations, to ask for help with Democratic media and messaging.

And let’s all keep contacting mainstream media to demand they correct their Right Wing bias.

If you need current examples to contact media about, look on Twitter at @froomkin @brianbeutler and @jayrosen_nyu . They often cite articles or TV clips demonstrating mainstream media’s Right Wing bias.

If enough of us keep doing these things — plus getting out the vote — before we know it, we could have big wins in the midterm elections. Let’s all do our best to get those.

Catch you good folks later.



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