Pretending to Be Donald Trump Just Became a Lot Less Fun

Julie Hotard
3 min readJan 18, 2021


Happy Martin Luther King Day, everyone. It’s fitting that on this day this year we are going toward justice, reversing the trend of the past four years. The Democratic party — that is committed to justice, rather than to con artistry and lies as the Trumpublican party is — needs to push further down that road and reverse the injustices committed in the last four years.

A lot of the power of charisma is a fantasy in the heads of those who follow the charismatic leader. One way that Trump and other charismatic figures appeal to some people is by letting their followers vicariously share in their power and status. Trump is supported by a vast Right Wing disinformation network, which uses lies and fantasies to build up Trump’s supposed power, strength and masculinity to towering heights.

Also, as a Republican president, supported by a Republican Senate who wouldn’t convict him for the crimes he committed, Trump has enjoyed four years of freedom from any laws or rules — the power to get away with any crime or ethics violation.

Some of Trump’s followers have loved identifying with Trump and imagining themselves in this position — of breaking rules and laws constantly — even seriously harming other people — without suffering any consequences whatsoever.

That spell is about to come to an end, however, now that so many Capitol rioters are being arrested. Some of them have even posted — on Parler and elsewhere on the Internet — photos and videos of themselves committing crimes. Just like Donald Trump who hasn’t yet gotten convicted, despite massive photographic, video and other proof that he’s guilty of crimes.

But these criminals are not president and don’t have the majority of the Senate protecting them from conviction for their crimes. Donald Trump won’t have any of that any more either, after Biden’s inauguration.

The spell is about to break. The charming law breaking princes and princesses are about to turn back into frogs.

I hope that will usher the rest of us out some of our denial of reality. Some in news media are already doing better — focusing more on what’s true, less on “covering both sides” — as if the criminal side is just as credible and honorable as the truth tellers’ side. For example, Jake Tapper is doing a great job, focusing on truth, not on “both sides.” However, some others in media are still chasing after people like Proud Boys, trying to give them a platform to spread their ideas.

I’d like to see more people in news media become truth oriented — rather than being “neutral” — which to some journalists seems to means not taking sides for or against truth, justice or democracy.

As for Trump supporters, below are some ways that it is possible to get over the fantasy of the all powerful father figure. This will require getting out of the Right Wing disinformation media fantasy bubble, however, and taking in truth rather than lies. It will require finding meaning in truth rather than in fantasy, and finding a community that values the truth.

Father Hunger: Why Fascism Sells Like Hotcakes

A lot of people need to somehow come to the realization that they’ve been conned. There are various approaches to bringing Trump supporters back into reality. Most of them don’t work very well, though it’s good to keep trying strategies until some work. Some of the approaches try to sidestep the main issue . The main problem is not that these people have different viewpoints than the rest of us, although they may. The main problem is that they have been conned into believing lies.

I hope to see some new or existing nonprofit organizations start up some news media — TV, radio, newspapers — that are targeted to the same audience as the people who currently consuming Right Wing TV, radio and newspapers.

We also very much need some truth-spreading “troll farms” — only the workers won’t be trolls but truth spreaders. New FCC regulations, regulation of social media to prevent its use for incitement of violence and a return of the Fairness Doctrine would also be welcome.



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