Time to Contact New York Times to Get Them to Correct the Many Errors in This Copaganda Article

Julie Hotard
2 min readJun 4, 2022


Below is a Twitter thread, turned into a Threadreader app article, describing the many errors in this New York Times copaganda article. Copaganda is propaganda that promotes increased funds for police, as well as promoting the idea that the policing system and criminal prosecution system are just perfect as they are — rather than being honest about the severe problems in those systems.

What New York Times is doing here is using People of Color to promote Right Wing elitist — so-called “centrist” — policies regarding police departments and criminal prosecutions.

Here is the threadreader app of the critique of the article by Alec Karakatsanis, founder & executive director of Civil Rights Corps.:

There’s not much I can add here. Alec did a top notch job of detailing the lies and inaccuracies in the article.

Here is the contact info for New York Times. Please join me in reporting their errors. New York Times is the paper of record for the U.S. They need to start doing far far better than this.


Just after I wrote this, New York Times published yet another copaganda article — this one on San Francisco. Here it is.

Here is the Threadreaderapp article by Alec Karakatsanis, critiquing this one.

So, here again below is the contact info for New York Times. Please join those of us who report these errors. New York Times needs to live up to their reputation and start doing far far better than this. Please ask your liberal friends to contact them and report these errors also.


