About a Trump Coup or Not

Julie Hotard
Oct 17, 2020

This is an important Twitter thread by Matt Yglesias on what the GOP and the Trump administration are doing — actions that we should all be aware of, so that we all have a clear understanding of what we are dealing with in the Trump administration and how we want to respond or ask our elected representatives to respond.

I’m passing this on, because many people are unaware of these actions.

Here it is on Twitter, in case you prefer to read it there.

I will close with a quote from President James Garfield from more than a century ago, expressing his timeless wisdom.

Ignorance is bliss only for a short time. Problems that we don’t face, we never solve. We all need to do our best to strengthen our ability to face reality and deal with it. We need to demand that our elected representatives do so also. For example, I know Dianne Feinstein probably means well, but she is in heavy denial about what the Barrett hearings mean for our nation.

